Peer Review Process

First stage: Submission of the article by the responsible author in the system

1. 1. The responsible author is obliged to send the following files through the system, according to the contents mentioned in the authors' guide section, and in compliance with the ethical principles of article publication:

  • The original file of the article without including the names and details of the authors anywhere in the text
  • The authors' profile file contains the full name and title of the authors and their email. The responsible author should be identified by inserting an asterisk above her/his name in the file. The ORCID code is required for the responsible author.
  • Agreement form
  • Conflict of interest form
  • If the article has images, each image file should be in jpg format.

1.2. Within 2 working days, the journal will send the author's response about sending the article for refereeing or returning it to the responsible author.

1.3. In case the article is accepted for submission to the referee, the responsible author is obliged to pay the referee fee of 2,000,000 Rials through the journal's electronic payment portal.


The second stage: Judging the article

2.1. The editor will send the article to two referees after paying the referee fee through the electronic payment portal.

2.2. The arbitration period will be a maximum of 8 weeks.

2.3. The responsible author is obliged to resolve the issues requested by the referee within a maximum of 15 days and resend the article.

2.4. The revised article will be sent to the referees again.

2.5. The article will be checked with similarity finder to verify the originality of the article. Articles with more than 15% similarity will not be accepted.

2.6. If the referees approve, and the similarity finder approves below 15%, the article will be ready for acceptance and publication.


The third stage: Acceptance and Dissemination

3.1. In case of approval by the judges, the responsible writer is obliged to pay the amount of 4,000,000 Rials for the cost of layout and publication through the electronic payment portal.

3.2. The editor will accept the article as soon as he receives the payment.

3.3. The article will be sent to the editor for language editing. The responsible writer is obliged to resolve the issues requested by the editor.

3.4. After layout and Galley Proof,  full PDF of the article without Vol and No will be published on the site in "Articles ready for publication".

3.5. After  editor's approval for publication, it will be published in current issue.